Pandemic Running by Wanda Gau

The month of February was a blur with my hubby’s heart event/ 17 day hospitalization which kept me from running consistently.  Then when all was on the upswing… Covid hit! Just as I am ready to get back into my groove- the gyms are closed. Now what! Those of you who know me-Wimpy Wanda- know that I am pretty quick to hop on the treadmill when the temps are dipping below 30 degrees or when the wind is stronger than 10 mph, or when the sky spits a few drops of rain, or if there is an “r” in the month. I only run 3 days a week but crosstrain and lift on the off days with one rest day a week. I have found that if I run more than three days a week,  I end up injured. What do I do? Suck it up, Buttercup! (heard by several SCRR friends over the years.)

In the spring I was distance teaching first grade and needed an emotional outlet and running was it. So I began running 5-6 days a week covering 30-50 miles. The races I was training for were being cancelled or switched to virtual. I needed to change my thinking about these events now that the race times were not going to count for any ROY points. This was huge for me! (did you know that I was a bit competitive?)

June brought a bit of reprieve as the school year ended and I had more time to figure out the future of running for myself. My gym membership expired and I decided not to renew. Can I continue to run 5+ days a week covering more than 30 miles and stay injury free? Bring on a new challenge! A challenge it was as I continued to run all alone and outdoors throughout the summer months.  I was missing my BRF’s in the worst way!  The mental challenge was to just run without a goal race/ time. This would be a first since I started running competitively over 12 years ago. 

Then fall came and a new school year with teaching a new grade level(kindergarten) with all the new guidelines for safety. I learned quickly that running after school was not going to happen as I am at school 10+ hours a day and bringing home 1-2 hours of work each evening. How will I continue running? Well, try something new- get up at 5:00 a.m. and run before school. Again I am all alone and outside logging in my 30+ miles a week.  

As the snow, ice, and slush start it is becoming very difficult to run outdoors at 5:00 a.m. because there is little light and I am unable to see slippery spots and black ice.  So time to invest in a treadmill. This has been a decision I have always been leary of as it is now so convenient to just hop on anytime. My fear, again, will I be tempted to overdo it and end up with an injury? My running times outside have been at a consistent pace.  In the past,  the treadmill is where I have enjoyed doing speed workouts or lose myself in 20 mile runs. Some of you know me as an overachiever at certain things.  I guess time will tell. 

In the nine months of this unique experience of running during a pandemic I have surprised myself in many ways. First and foremost I have learned that you can teach an old lady dog some new tricks.  Never in my wildest dreams would I have anticipated running 6 days a week, running outside in wind, rain, and snow, running 30-50 miles a week with no injury, running before going to work and... enjoying every minute of it!  I have been able to increase my muscle tone, lower my body fat, and lose 7+ pounds. I was not anticipating these results at all. All of this makes me happy and, of course, healthier. But I dearly miss my running friends from this great club.  I anxiously await the time when I can join everyone again on a run and social time. Staying connected on the FB club page has helped.  Until then I will stay positive and have hope.  This will end and we will be able to run together- my pace or yours!