The 25 Golden Rules of Long Distance - #16 through #20

Golden Rules of Running Long Distance:

by Bob Cooper (Runner’s World)

#16 The Refueling Rule- the rule states : Consume a combination carbohydrate-protein food or beverage within 30-60 minutes after any race, speed workout, or long run. Examples: low-fat chocolate milk, sports drink, yogurt, or bagel with peanut butter. The exception: On easy days, you still need a postrun snack, but you don’t need as many calories or as much protein.

#17 The Don’t-Just-Run Rule- the rule states: Runners who only run are prone to injury. Cross-training and strength-training will make you a stronger and healthier runner. The exception: The surest way to run better is to run. So if your time is limited, devote most to running.

#18 The Even-Pace Rule- The rule states: The best way to race a personal best is to maintain an even pace from start to finish. The exception: This doesn’t apply on hilly courses or on windy days, when the objective is to run an even effort.

#19 The New-Shoes Rule- The rule states: Replace running shoes once they’ve covered 400-500 miles. Buy a new pair and rotate them for awhile. The exception: A shoe’s wear can vary, depending on the type of shoe, your weight, your footstrike pattern, and the surfaces you run on.

#20 The Hard/Easy Rule- The rule states: Take at least one easy day after every hard day of training. “Easy” means short, slow run, a cross-training day, or not exercise day at all. The exception: After the most exhausting long runs and speed workouts, especially if you’re 40 or older, wait for two or three days before your next tough one.